We offer a wide range of one-stop services,
from collection and transportation to
intermediate treatment, recycling and final disposal.
TSUNEISHI KAMTECS uses technology and experience cultivated over
many years to achieve proper disposal and recycling of industrial waste.
As a leading company in the environmental business,
we are committed to meeting the needs and challenges of our customers.
Business fields of TSUNEISHI KAMTECS
Business fields of
waste disposal
We handle everything from collection and
transportation to disposal.
Our advanced technology can handle even
to-dispose-of materials. We dispose
of a wide variety
of industrial waste properly
and promptly, and reduce
the environmental
We promote complete recycling of industrial waste.
We will achieve a circular economy by manufacturing
and selling useful recycled products and reducing
CO₂ through waste power generation.
Ship waste
oil treatment
We ensure the prevention of marine pollution
through tank cleaning of vessels and proper disposal
and recycling of waste oil.
As a pioneer in the field of marine waste oil
treatment, we boast a strong track record.
We offer environmental measurement certification
business including water quality analysis, soil and
waste analysis, and process control measurement,
as well as consulting services related to water
treatment technology and waste treatment.
We are also focusing on research and development
of new environmental technologies.
Group company